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About BizTalkRadio

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Hi I'm Mike Leahy, the creator for BizTalkRadio. With the unbelievable changes and advances with the internet and Social Media in particular it seems a natural progression to go from one dimensional, flat Facebook, Linkedin and similar sites where you can have a dynamic profile in place and be seen and read on forums and discussions to go to a live podcast which I prefer to call radio show.

To be able to broadcast live and to have guests from around the world giving their take on what is happening now and here seemed a leap too far just a couple of years ago but today almost anything is possible.

Having had another show going called In Town Today.co.uk since January  have gained some vaulable experience so that BizTalkRadio has got off to a flying start. There have been glitches but that happens in the best circles. I have now moved into a new office with an improved broadbad connection giving a clarity of sound that we couldn't achieve just back in February.

BizTalkRadio is the new social media route to connecting with other growing business owners and managers. A 30 minute on-line radio show specifically for small businesses with lively interviews, up-to-date news, views, reviews and soundbites of information on all aspects of running a business.

Aiming to run daily shows within weeks but currently Tuesday and Thursday.

See www.entrepreneurclub.co.uk

Go to www.biztalkradio.co.uk where you can listen in and contribute live or afterwards can listen on demand or download as an mp3.

Contributions welcome from lively contributors with inspiring, motivating, learning and success stories and soundbites.We want short soundbites 2-4 minutes on your speciality - and a series is better.

We want cutting edge news and information. We encourage you to review books, equipment, software, websites, courses and anything interesting.

We will run competitions so put up a prize we willl promote you: just bear in mind this is a global show so a course taking place in Gorseignon may not attract many entries but I'll still consider it.

If you are a lively growing business owner or manager come on board. There are no restraints apart from blantant advertising or offensive and illegal content. The show can be your platform to the world stage or the next town!!

We will be including some advertising shortly and are anxiously seeking sponsors who are either household names or willing to make more than the modest financial investment. All sponsors will be have a front and back end message and can have their own clients/customers stories included: the programme manager has the final word. Sponsors might even have their own host.

There will be a minimal amount of advertising.

Right now we want to promoter the show and have the brightest and best content. Are you up to the challenge? You can e-mail me at ask@biztalkradio.co.uk or call/text on 07976364681. Don't hide your light under a bush - set the bush alight!

 Tomorrow is beckoning and I am already planning BizTalkTV to launch by the end of August. This will take us just one step further.

Meanwhile, join this great show today.