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Monday, 5 July 2010

Do you concentrate your efforts on what you do best

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This Thursday one of my guests will be John Peers and his manager Ruby McDermott who featured on Mary Queen of Shops last evening. I spoke with John this morning at 9.02 and it was easy to get through. At 10.15 it took over 15 minutes because the phone was just red hot their end!! Don't miss this Show.

On Tuesday 6th July I'm pleased to welcome Julia DeBattista to join me talking about a subject close to all our hearts. Getting bogged down with all those mundane jobs takes us away from the nitty gritty of growing the business because we can't concentrate on the important things like finding more prospects and turning them inyo new customers: making sure we do everything we can to retain those new customers through amazing after sales service and telling them about more products that they want to own.

How often have you felt you needed someone but can't afford a full-timer to:
• Handle the tasks you don’t have time for or don’t want to do, leaving you free to focus on what matters.
• Sort things like taking phone calls, dealing with email, chasing late payments.
• Book appointments, issue sales literature, give out information, take messages and type letters.
• Professionally manage your clients and client contact on your behalf.
• Assist in arranging events and seminars or attending events either with you or on your behalf.

Julia owns Your Office Partners and will be talking about how she started and some of the people and tasks she's been involved with. Do join us this Tuesday.
Also there'll be news and some more marketing advice from Mike Leahy.

Julia talked about Networking. For a free copy of my short e-book "Networking Sucks!10 Fatal Mistakes we've all made" just send me an e-mail at ask@mikeleahy.com with the header "Networking" and your name.

I also have a Networking Pack with video and e-book available. I'll put it up on this site.

Networking is the lifeblood of any business. Physical or on-line, it doesn't matter. You'll find good connections in the most unlikely places.

Think about joining the Local Business Forum  as a platform to launch your business to the next level. How? By sitting down with other like-minded people and talking about each other's businesses. Not networking! Just thinking about how each member of the group can have a better business. Do listen to my idea on the Show. Then call me and let us know what you think. No annual fees, not referrals, no testimonials. Just a way of getting a dozen creative minds focussed on your business.

And finally. An Early Storm Warning!!!

The Swansea Business Show will be held at the LC in Swansea on Thursday 24th March 2011. Stands are still from £175 for  2 x 1.5 metres. Book your stand by the end of August for a £75 discount and by paying a 50% deposit of £50. This is a sure-fire winner with an Early Bird promotion. And I guarantee you 10 x 30 second promo spots on BizTalkRadio during September and October. Help whip up a storm by signing up. Bookings can be made from this Friday, 9th July.

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